Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from an Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal

Special: Women in Syriac Orthodox Church

Volume 3 No. 121  January 21, 2013

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Dr. Shila Mathew, MD and sister in law Sherly Mathew, a member of the Morth Mariam  Samajam at St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, East Pampady, listen to a friend who is going for a pilgrimage at Manjinikkara, Kerala. Listening and supporting each other are the areas where the women excel in our church. But they also fill in several other roles within and outside their homes. This issue of Malankara World Journal takes a look at the role of Women in Orthodox Church.


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Table of Contents
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Foreword and Introduction

1. Foreword and Dedication
by Dr. Seena Mathew, Capt. Dr. Jacob Mathew, Jr., and Dr. Jacob Mathew

2. Introduction
by Dr. Jacob Mathew, Malankara World Board Member

'The Role of Women in Syriac Orthodox Church' is a subject that is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. We read a portion of St. Paul's writing out of context and feel that it is how the church treats women. Is it true? ...

Featured Article

3. The Role of Women in The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch
by Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka-I Iwas, The Patriarch of the Antioch & All the East

The Syriac Orthodox Church considers women equal to men in rights and duties. According to the Holy Scriptures, God created man in His image; "in the image of God created him; male and female He created them." Consequently, men and women are equal before God because God's ideal plan for marriage is one man for one woman and one woman for one man. ...

Women In The Bible

4. The Virtuous Wife - Hymn to a Good Wife

Proverbs 31:10-31 is a poem written honoring as well as extolling the virtues of a virtuous wife. It is written in the form of an alphabetic acrostic in Hebrew. A good wife brings respect to her husband; she teaches values to her children so that they learn to respect their parents. She shows kindness to the poor as God commanded. She has control of her tongue. A must reading for both husband and wife.

5. Great Women in The Bible

There are over one hundred sixty women mentioned in the Bible. Although not all of their names were written down, their deeds were, thus showing us the part they, too, played in history. ...

6. How Jesus Ministered To Women
by Gregg Cantelmo

Jesus came to serve. We see his service to women through talk, through teaching, through touch, and through thankful praise for their faith. As we all have a need to belong, feel worthy, and feel competent, we see that Jesus brings dignity, value, and worth to women and their roles of service as "daughters of God." ...

7. The Biblical Portrait of Women
by John MacArthur

From cover to cover, the Bible exalts women. In fact, it often seems to go out of the way to pay homage to them, to ennoble their roles in society and family, to acknowledge the importance of their influence, and to exalt the virtues of women who were particularly godly examples. ...

Women In The Orthodox Church

8. The Role of Women in The Orthodox Church
by Metropolitan Seraphim of Johannesburg and Pretoria

Her first priority is to fulfill God's Divine Within her own family, her husband and her children. This then widens to the extended family: to her neighbor, to her parish community and then to the whole world. A Christian woman is today's society, whether she works outside the home or not, is instrumental in nurturing her children. ...

9. Women in The Orthodox Church
by Karissa Sorrell

My friend and former Orthodox priest, Paul Finley, once told me, "The reason why gender equality is such an issue in Protestant churches is because they have taken Mary out of the picture." In a way, it's true: in the OC, Christ is the head of the church, but His Mother is right by his side. ...

10. Women in The Orthodox Church
Australian Orthodox Mission, Monash University

The Orthodox faith teaches that as souls before God women and men stand equal. Women are not 'second class citizens' in the Kingdom of God. They can and should take an active role in the life of the Church; indeed the Church's life would be immeasurably impoverished without their contribution. ...

Women in Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church

Keynote: Women in the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church
11. Your Resilience Will Set You Free
by Fr. Jerry Kurian Kodiattu, Malankara World Board Member

One needs to look at the issue of women in the church seriously. It is not a question of being politically correct, legal, or experimental. It is rather a call for the church to do what is correct. Women have suffered and yet continue to be resilient. They continue to be part of the church despite all oppression. This article identifies a few issues about why women are treated like they are. ...

12. Women as Covered and Confined
by Christiane Zidek

Having touched on several aspects of women's role in the church, a question arises: Why? Why do these different areas of church life remain unchanged? It is a question, which both men and women have to be asked. ...

Featured Malankara Women

13. Ammai - My Hero
by Betcy Thotakat, PMP

If you ask me who my most favorite unsung hero is, without any doubt I would say "ammai". To my Dad she was like his own mother who was his uncle's wife. She adopted her sister-in-law's son when the parents met with untimely death and she was just a new bride. She gave birth to two boys. But when someone asked her how many kids she had, without a second thought she used to say - three and never mentioned about the adoption. ...

14. Mummy, a Lydia for Our Times
by Melanie Jacob RD

Like Lydia, Susan Jacob placed a very high importance to worshipping God. She knew that some things like prayer are taught by example more than words. The habit of prayer has to be passed on to you from your childhood. It should be part of your life. ...

15. Inviting Nominations for The Malankara World Woman of The Year

How to nominate

The Christian Family Life

16. Why Do We Need the Church?
by Mother Magdalena, Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration

The Church is not just an earthly institution that seeks to control us by rules and limit our worship to stale rites. It is a living, breathing being - literally the Body of Christ. This means that our life in Christ can only be lived within the life of the Church - His Body. All aspects of this life nurture and form and protect our spirit. The boundaries set by the Church are not there to restrict us but to give us freedom. ...

17. Ten Things to Pray for Your Wife
by Jonathan Parnell

It is a beautiful thing when we become as invested in the sanctification of others as we are in our own. And the best place to start is with our spouses. So men, here are ten things to want from God (and ask from him) for your wife. ..

18. The Honeymoon Life
by Sharon Glasgow

From that day on, I chose the honeymoon life. Not just dreaming of it but living it every day. I've set my heart to cherish the simple things, like making my husband's favorite foods and eating together by candlelight, going to bed at the same time, reading and praying together. Even mundane trips to the store together. ...

19. The Husband of a Happy Wife
by Dr. Stephen Felker

Men, I have set before you the kind of love you are to have for your wives. We are to have agape love, a love that is unselfish, that meets needs. We are to love our wives like Christ loved the Church, with a sacrificial, purifying love. What an example! And we are to love our wives as our own bodies. That means that we will nourish and cherish our wives. We will have an unconditional commitment to keep our wives, as we keep the members of our own bodies. ...

20. The Profile of a Godly Mother: The Example of Hannah
by John MacArthur

For better or worse, mothers are the makers of men; they are the architects of the next generation. That's why the goal of becoming a godly mother is the highest and most noble pursuit of womanhood. God has specially equipped women for that very purpose, and in Christ, women can experience profound satisfaction in that divinely ordained pursuit. They can be who God created them to be. ...

21. Mothers Say 'Yes' to God
by Sidney Callahan

Giving and forgiving mother love is one of the most convincing indications we have of what God's unconditional love for us is like. Mothers are like Jesus Christ: they open a door to us which no one can close. ...

22. Why Won't My Children Submit to Me and Respect Me?

Children respect the mother the way the mother respects her husband. Want your children to respect your headship over them? Then respect your husband's headship over you!..

23. My Mother, My Friend
by Temple Bailey

A mother shows through in every emotion - happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love, hate, anger, helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow - and all the while hoping and praying you will only know the good feelings in life. ...

Managing Career and Family

24. Twenty Strategies for Busy Christian Women
by Marianne Neifert, M.D., M.T.S., F.A.A.P.

Identify what you value most in life, your highest ideals, and most burning desires. Keep your relationships paramount. Distinguish the "urgent" from the "important," and do something important every day. ...

25. Leading a Low-Stress Life by Living Right
By Robert Ringer

You cannot control what others do or say, but you can control how you respond to it. This can make a huge difference in how you look at - and interact with - the world. And as a result, it can take you from stressed-out to chilled-out and feeling better about life. ...

26. Myth: True Success Means Always Reaching for The Next Rung on The Corporate Ladder
by Gregg Easterbrook

The idea that women should always reach for that next rung is dangerously misleading. Some women feel that in today's era of liberation they are somehow letting down their gender if they decide to step down from high-ranking corporate positions. They feel enormous pressure to stay. ...

27. Simple Tips for Mom: How Working Moms Can Make Guilt-Free Choices
by W. Granville Brown

As a professional life coach, I'm privileged to have some very successful career women as clients. I've discovered that many of them face challenges quite different than those encountered by men. For example, consider the deep feelings of guilt many working mothers experience. ...

28. Celebration of The Ordinary
by Sao Tunyi Kohima

While it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. ...

Current Issues

29. At The Dawn of 2013
by Sraman Mitra

Life is messy. Change takes time. But it eventually does come. Civilization does move forward. Meanwhile, wonderful, inspiring events continue to happen. Nature offers itself quietly to those who pay attention. ...

30. Death of India Rape Victim Stirs Anger, Promises of Action
By Ross Colvin and Kevin Lim

The attack has put gender issues centre stage in Indian politics. Issues such as rape, dowry-related deaths and female infanticide have rarely entered mainstream political discourse. ...

31. I am Sorry Mom I Can't Fight Anymore

Cry of a Rape Victim

32. Making the Church Rape Free
by Fr. Jerry Kurian Kodiattu

What am I going to accomplish by lighting a candle in church against the violence and brutal rape and murder of the 23 year old woman? Nothing much I suppose. There are several women in my own church who in all probability are exposed to violence in different places and the church remains silent to this. ...

33. Much Beyond Rape . . .
by Jeevan Kuruvilla

I believe that our learning starts at our homes where a daughter is as prized as the son. Our homes should be places where the husband will treat his wife with respect and kindness that the son would behave likewise with the women he meets in his life. Our daughters should not know what dowry means. ...

34. Resources for Understanding and Managing Sexual Assault

Here are some free resources to help you understand the epidemic of sexual assault and care for victims.

General Interest

35. Health: Superfoods for Women

There are certain foods that aging boomer women (and men for that matter) should eat on a very regular basis (like every day) that literally pack the body's cells with powerful nutrients. Here are some of the superfoods that build health and happiness. ...

36. Recipe: Scrambled Eggs with Variations
by Roy Walford and Lisa Walford

If you have been watching your cholesterol, you probably know about scrambled egg whites. You may not yet have tried scrambled tofu! The following recipes are a basic foundation for any number of vegetable combinations. ...

37. Recipe: Lemon Yogurt Muffins

If you like moist muffins, you will love this recipe.

38. Skin Care Tips

I thought you might like to tell your readers about the great beauty effects of olive oil. I use extra virgin olive oil to wash my face every night. ...

39. A Year Free From Regret
by Eric Sinoway

Think about what you want people to say about you at your funeral; how you'd want them to describe all the facets of your life, who you were, and what you'd accomplished. Then turn that thinking into a concrete vision - a clear picture in your mind that draws together your most highly valued beliefs, desires, goals, and priorities into a holistic portrait of who you aspire to be. ...

40. The Pie Lady
by Sandra Abell

She gave selflessly, with gratitude and appreciation, focusing on other people and how they would be positively affected by her actions. She shared her talents with the gift of love, generosity and fun. She carried the holiday spirit throughout the year. ...

41. Gratitude Napkins
by Linda McLean

Frank barely noticed when things began to change, when the words of gratitude he jotted down on the napkin each morning began to sink into his thick, stubborn skull. The attitude of gratitude he had inadvertently adopted through the sheer routine of it, began to truly mean something. That was when Frank's life began to change…

42. Humor

Two Difficult Things To Achieve.

43. About Malankara World

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