Malankara World

Sermons Based on the Lectionary of the Syrian Orthodox Church

Devotional Thoughts Based on Matthew 15:32-39

Devotional Thoughts for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

by Rev. Fr. M. K. Kuriakose

Gospel Reading: Matthew 15:32-39 (feeding the multitude with seven loaves and a few Small fish)

Feeding the multitude recorded in the New Testament are two, one feeding more than five thousand and the other feeding more than four thousand. The Church calendar uses both the passages for us to meditate on different Sundays.

The following are some of the thoughts from the passage for next Sunday:

1. The amazing crowd that stayed with the Lord simply because of their urge for the Word of God. This is an unusual quality that each Christian needs. In the busy world of today, who has the tolerance to spend time on the Word of God?

2. Living with the Lord is a different experience when someone has no hunger and thirst.

3. The mercy of the Lord who does not want to send them away hungry. The Lord is willing to provide for those who stay with Him. Trust Him, He will provide. All that we need is the consistency to be with him.

4. The Lord needs to receive what small things we have in order to make it sufficient for many. Please note, He did not make the food from the air. Our Lord always expects us to give ours in order to increase the measure for others. Give our resources to Him, He will multiply it for the sake of others. When we are selfish, he cannot make us prosper neither can He help others with it.

5. The Lord blesses what is given to him. This miracle is a model for the Holy Qurbana in which the blessed bread and wine that becomes the Body and Blood of Lord. A prayer before the meals that is insufficient makes it increased in order to be sufficient for all.

6. There is always leftover in the presence of the Lord. It shows sufficiency. When human becomes selfless, God’s power is in action to make it sufficient for all and a lot left over.


See Also:

Sermons and Bible Commentaries for the 6th Sunday after Pentecost

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