Malankara World

Weekly Devotional

Beatitude: Thirsting for Justice

by Fr. Dr. Derrence Ross Dmitri Th D, New Zealand

Saturday 25 June 2011 (18 Paoni;18 Baona):
John the Soldier of Egypt

Everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him
shall have eternal life.
(John 6:40)


Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee
the desires of thine heart.
(Psa. 37:4)

The worst kind of selfishness is not to give transitory things
to those who live in Poverty.
(St. Basil the Great)

The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the fool walks
in darkness.
(Ecc. 2:11)

The world was being knocked around in the gloom of intense
darkness and shocking ignorance. The cloud of blindness
prevented the crown of people from seeing Christ the Lord,
the Redeemer, the God of Truth and Justice. But the Lord of all
appeared to the Israeilites as a light for their souls.
(Cyril the Great)

Jesus has always many who love His heavenly kingdom,
but few who bear His cross.
(Imitation of Christ)

Who is likened unto You, O Lord among the gods,
You are the true God,the performer of Miracles.
(The Holy Psalmody)

I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your
servant, for I do not forget Your Commandments.
(Psa. 119:176)

When you feel you are being drifted down with the tide, hold on
the tree. When the love of the world holds on you, hold on Christ,
who because of you, entered a timely life even though He never
ceased to be timeless.
(St. Augustine)


The Father made God visible to human beings through numerous
mysteries to prevent them from losing everything -- even their
very lives. For the glory of God is the living person, and the life
of a person is the vision of God.

Heavenly Father, let us keep alive both the natural and the
supernatural life You have given us in Christ. Help us to live our
earthly life to the full so that we may attain eternal life through Him.


The Idealists:

'Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.' (Matt. 5:6)

'Justice' here is simply another way of saying 'Kingdom of God'. The perfect accomplishing of God's will. As often in Scripture: "A Sceptre of justice is the sceptre of thy kingdom." (Psa. 45:6 quoted also in Heb.1:8). 'In holiness and justice before him all our days.' (Luke 1:7)

'Hunger and Thirst.' indicates a desire not only great, but overmastering; in extremities of hunger and thirst, other desires. seem of no importance. The world would say :'Blessed are they that have no hunger and thirst -- who have obtained all they want.' But Christ says, 'Blessed are they that are always desiring and never satisfied.' Because unlike bodily desires (which subside when satisfied). The more we have 'justice' the more we hunger for it.

Indeed in God's service we must keep on going higher, or else we are going backwards. Like the angels on Jacob's Ladder; all ascending or descending, none stationary. Like also the Angels of God ascending and descending on Christ. God is pleased when we have strong desires towards Him: idealism, burning enthusiasm. This is what was said to Daniel by an angel: 'Fear not, O Man of desires! peace be to thee: take courage and be strong.'(Dan.10:19)

Try for more mastery over our own moods and feelings. Bad moods are less dangerous when recognized and allowed for. But dangerous if not allowed for, Good moods should be kept in memory and recalled again when needed, this is why God sends them.

'For they shall have their fill;' in heaven, according to the measure of their holy desires. And even in this life 'they shall have their fill'. Of that food described by Christ: 'thy meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me.'. And of 'the fountain of water springing up to life everlasting'. Holy Communion is the sacrament of Desire. First, of Our Lord's desire. Secondly, it meets our hunger and thirst for God; satisfies it and yet makes us hunger for more. In frequent Communion this Beatitude comes true.

Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 89:29&36;Luke 9:18-27.
Morning: Psalm 107:32&41-42;Mark 8:22-29.
Liturgy: Heb.4:14-5:14;1 Peter 1:1-9;Acts 12:1-24;
Psalm 110:4-7; Gospel Matt. 16:13-19.

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