Malankara World

Easter (Pascha)

Apostolic Easter Message - 2013

Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East
Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church

No. E66/13
21 March 2013

Apostolic Benediction to our beloved to our beloved Brother-in-Christ His Beatitude Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I of our Jacobite Syrian Church and all the Metropolitans and to our beloved spiritual children, the Venerable Coepiscopos, Esteemed Priests, Reverend Deacons, Devoted Nuns and all faithful of all our Malankara Jacobite Syrian Churches and congregations all over the world.

Enquiring your welfare we inform you the following:

When you are celebrating Easter, we are happy to extend our Peace and Blessings to all of you. We know that our Church in India is going through many difficulties but Our Lord is the Peace amongst all kind of persecutions. You know that our faithful are persecuted here in the Middle East day by day. We pray for peaceful solutions to all the problems face by our Church.

Peace is the result of righteousness and sanctity in all the realms of life. Prayer is an essential element for the sanctity of life. Where prayer is not considered as important, every kind of evil is present and Satan takes charge of the reign.

"Whoever sins, belongs to the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. Indeed, the son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the devil" (I John 3:8).

In order to conquer the satanic powers, we need to be vigilant and pray always. Then the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. Our Lord gives us comfort through these words:,

"I have told you this so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble; but take courage, I have overcome the world". (St. John 16:33).

Give more importance to prayer and sanctity in your lives. Jesus Christ is risen. Christ Jesus is alive today. The living Lord will never despise our prayers, if it is done with humility and sanctity. Let us keep the faith and hope in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The result of prayer is everlasting peace in our hearts and in our societies. We need a lot of prayer in these days to overcome the evil powers attacking the Holy Church. May the Risen Lord protect our Church and the world from all harm. We exhort you to pray for all the people who are in trouble, especially those in the Middle East, especially in Syria, to find hope and peace in the risen Lord. Remember us in your prayers. More prayers are needed now for our Church.

We wish you all a blessed and happy Easter and extend our Apostolic Blessings to you.

May the grace of God be with you all forever, through the intercession of St. Mary - Mother of God and all the Apostles, Martyrs and Saints.


See Also:

Passion Week Supplement in Malankara World

Sermons, Bible Commentaries and Bible Analyses for Kyomtho - Easter Sunday

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