Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from an Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal Abstracts
Theme: Evangelism, Mission
Volume 6 No. 360 July 29, 2016

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View From National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, Emmetsburg, MD
Spectacular View of Gettysburg Valley
from The National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes
on the Campus of Mount Saint Mary's University, Emmetsburg, MD
Venue of the 30th Annual Family and Youth Conference of the
Malankara Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church in NA.

At the Immediate forehead is the Immaculate Conception Church
Where the Holy Qurbana was celebrated on July 23, 2016.

Photo for Malankara World by Dr. Jacob Mathew


I. This Sunday in Church: 11th Sunday After Pentecost

1. Bible Readings for This Sunday (July 31)

2. Sermons for This Sunday (July 31)

II. Lectionary Reflections

3. The Mission of The Church

In commissioning the apostles in today's Gospel, Jesus gives them, and us, a preview of His Church's mission after the resurrection. ...

4. Traveling Light

Jesus' sending the disciples out 'traveling light' makes perfect sense. Maybe this is especially true when we are sent with the Good News as the disciples were --- so that both those who are sent and those who are receiving would more fully be able to receive the gifts of God. ...

5. Finding Life in Saying No

In clearing away what doesn't matter, Jesus hopes that his disciples will have room to see what really does. .. Clearly saying no to what you think is essential and even your "right" makes room to hear what really is essential. ....

6. Church: An Oasis of Hope

I think we sometimes approach church more from the standpoint of consumers than communers. We may think of going to church the way we think of going to a movie ....

7. How Your Church Can Change the World

God intends for church to be much more than just a local place to find inspiration; God wants it to be a place where He empowers people to join Him in the work of redeeming this fallen world. ...

III. Featured Articles on Evangelism

8. The Difference of Jesus and the Difference it Makes

The most basic content of evangelization is the breathtaking assertion that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. From this assertion flows another equally astounding bit of good news: Jesus is who he said he was. ...

9. Build a Bridge

If we want to effectively share the gospel with people, then we need to engage them. What did the master evangelist Jesus do as He talked with the woman at the well in Samaria? He engaged her in conversation. It was give-and-take. He spoke . . . He listened. ...

10. Should Christians Say That Their Aim Is to Convert Others to Faith in Christ?

The fact that God is the ultimate and decisive cause in conversion does not mean we are not causal agents in conversion. We are. And as God's agents in conversion we aim at it—we choose what we do and say in the hope that it will be used by God to bring about conversion. ...

11. Evangelism: Self-Benefit as a Catalyst

While we see the immediate benefits that sharing our faith has toward unbelievers, we do not see the immediate benefits that sharing our faith has toward ourselves. Yet the benefits toward our own walks with the Lord should move us to share. Here are four benefits. ...

IV. General Weekly Features

12. Family Special: 12 Truths I Want My Daughter to Know before She Enters College

These are 12 things I wanted my own daughter to know before she entered college – and 12 things she is still, by the grace of God, holding fast to today. ...

13. Family Special: 7-Minute Marriage Solution

Dr. Tim Clinton speaks with Stephen Arterburn about the things to stop and start in order to have an enjoyable marriage. ...

14. Inspiration: We All Fail - What Happens Next Is Important...

We all fail, my friends. What's important is not what leads up to it or how you feel in the midst of it, but how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue to stand tall after it. We must "persevere long enough to achieve our potential." ...

15. Choices - Choosing Not to Complain

Imagine what we could do in our homes, with our families and in our personal lives if we made the choice to replace complaining with positive belief. Imagine what you could do with those extra moments and hours of your life if you made the choice, right now, to never complain. ....

16. About Malankara World

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