Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from a Jacobite and Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Themes: Lord of Sabbath, St. Yeldho Mor Baselios,
Suffering, Storms and Trials in Christian Life

Volume 7 No. 439 September 29, 2017

I. This Sunday in Church: 3rd Sunday After Sleebo Feast

1. Bible Readings for This Sunday (October 1)

2. Sermons for This Sunday (October 1)

II. Lectionary Reflections: Lord of Sabbath

3. The Scandal Over The Sabbath

One of our problems is that we judge people for what they do and we fail to look at what we do. ..The Bible nowhere says that it is wrong to eat out or buy something on Sunday. But, it never says it is right either. ...

4. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath

A strange feature of the Hebrew language is that the word for 'seven', the word for 'Saturday' and the word for rest are all the same word. Sabbath. Just as it was a part of their language, it was to be a part of their lives. ...

5. Malankara World Journals with the Themes: Lord of Sabbath; St. Yeldo Mor Baselios

III. Featured Articles: Storms, Trials And Suffering

6. In Difficult Times, What Happens in You is Most Important

Life is not fair. You will have problems, difficulties, and hurts that will make you better or bitter. You will either grow up or give up. ...

7. Why Sufferings and Trials?

Because they are sinners, still living in a sinful world, Christians should expect to encounter difficulties. ...

8. God Is at Work - Even in Your Pain

God is not wasting the pain in your life. As you go through the dark, deep valleys in your life, remember that the great Apostle Paul was even pounded by the evil one. ...

9. Every Storm Is a School, Every Trial a Teacher

God's purpose is greater than your problems and your pain. He has a plan! You need to look past the temporary pain and look instead at the long-term benefit in your life. ...

10. God Shows Up in a Crisis

Let me share with you what I have learned about dealing with pain and crisis. Character rises to the top over time and under pressure. ...

11. Malankara World Journal Issues with the Theme: Suffering

Hyperlinks to 10 Malankara World Journal Issues with the theme:
Trials/Suffering in Christian Life..

12. Malankara World Supplement on Overcoming the Storms of Life

Malankara World has a special supplement with more detailed articles, meditations and strategy to overcome life's storms here:

IV. General Weekly Features

13. Health: Biggest Foot Pain Culprit Revealed

The researchers in this study found an astounding 48% of the women and 69% of the men were wearing shoes that were too big! ...

14. Family Special: 10-Day Communication Challenge for Married Couples -
Day 3: After the Fight

Sometimes it's not the fight itself that's damaging, but what happens when the battle is over. ..In unstable marriages, conflict is never entirely resolved...

15. Family Special: You Always Bite the One You Love

Isn't it curious how in the midst of a nasty family argument we can shake out of the bad mood the instant the telephone rings or a neighbor knocks on the door? ...

16. A Short Reflection on Beauty

Enjoy the good things of God, but never in preference to the very God who made them. In our fallen condition, we are easily deceived by beauty. ..

17. Freedom from Addiction

When we start to lose hope for another's soul, it's good to remind ourselves that some of the greatest Christian Saints were some of the most broken people. ...

18. About Malankara World

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