Malankara World Journal - Christian Spirituality from a Jacobite and Orthodox Perspective
Malankara World Journal
Theme: Great Lent week 4, Faith
Volume 8 No. 465 March 2, 2018

I. This Sunday in Church - 4th Sunday in Great Lent

1. Bible Readings for 4th Sunday in Great Lent - Canaanite Woman (Knanaitho) (March 4) Lec_4th_sunday_of_Great-Lent.htm

2. Sermons for 4th Sunday in Great Lent Canaanite Woman (Knanaitho) (March 4)

3. From Malankara World Journal Archives

Malankara World Journals with the Theme: Great Lent Week 4

II. Great Lent - Week 4 - Supplement

4. Malankara World Great Lent Supplement

Malankara World Great Lent Supplement

5. Meditations and Reflections For Week 4 of Great Lent

Week 4 of Great Lent

III. Lectionary Reflections: Canaanite Woman's Faith

6. The Canaanite Woman's Faith

The Canaanite woman signifies repentant souls. Incapable of boasting, contrite sinners lean wholly on God's mercy; they recognize their weakness before God and can only beg for blessings. ...

7. Mega-Faith (Canaanite Woman)

The focus of this story is on the woman and her faith, not on her daughter. We are simply told in verse 28 that she was healed "from that hour." As far as we know, Jesus never met her daughter. He healed her based on her mother's mega-faith. ...

8. The Plight Of The Canaanite Woman

The curse Ham brought upon him from his father became the doom for the whole of his successors as they thenceforth were counted and treated gentiles who became servants of own brethren. ...

IV. Featured Articles: Faith

9. On Abraham's Faith

Saying 'I believe in God' means founding my life on Him. We say, like Abraham: "I trust You; I entrust myself to You, Lord," but not as Someone to run to only in times of difficulty or to whom to dedicate a few moments of the day or of the week. ...

10. The Apostles' Creed, Part 1: Introduction

The creed attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it proclaims. ...

11. The Apostles' Creed, Part 2: God the Father Almighty

We believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the maker of heaven and earth ...

12. The Apostles' Creed, Part 3: Jesus Christ

After we confess belief in God the Father Almighty, we pair that confession with this statement: "…and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord" ...

13. The Apostles' Creed Part 4: The Incarnate Word

" . . . Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary . . ."
This short phrase encapsulates the doctrine we call "the Incarnation." ...

V. General Weekly Features

14. Family Special: The #1 Priority for Christian Parents

Are you raising your children to know and love the Lord? That is a question every parent must examine, because its implications are breathtaking...

15. Family Special: Healing After Abuse

For Victims of Abuse, Forgiveness is the Foundation of Healing. ...

16. What Water Can Teach Us

We have a cultural belief, here in North America, that one's strength and inflexible hardness are both admirable attributes. ...

17. Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past

18. About Malankara World

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