Malankara World

Christmas - The Birthday of Jesus

The Promise of Christmas

by Greg Laurie

God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. The Good News is about his Son. . . . —Romans 1:2–3

I have always believed in the promise of Christmas. There is something very special, wonderful, even magical (in the best use of that word) at this time of year. And that goes back to my earliest childhood.

With Christmas, we have a sense of wonder, beauty, and anticipation. We look forward to being with loved ones, family and friends, and eating incredible food. It is a wonderful time of the year. It is also a time that is marked, for the most part, by an absence of meanness. There is a kindness that people will demonstrate toward one another, even strangers.

But here is the question: Does Christmas really deliver on its promises? It does sometimes—a little bit here and a little bit there. But for the most part, Christmas doesn’t really deliver. In fact, what it does deliver is a lot of difficulty. If you are a man, your blood pressure will go up dramatically at this time of the year. A study was done by a British psychologist who found that Christmas shopping is actually hazardous for men’s health, due to its elevating effects on blood pressure. The same study also revealed that women’s blood pressure remained unaffected by the holiday shopping ritual.

So what is Christmas at its worst? It is a crass, commercial, empty, exhausting, and very expensive event that drags on for months at a time. And what is Christmas at its best? It is a glimpse of something that is coming: the beauty . . . the wonderful music . . . the adoring angels . . . the love . . . the warmth . . . the promise . . . the hope. Because when you get down to it, Christmas is a promise. It is a promise of things to come.

Copyright © 2011 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

See Also:

The Audacity of Christmas by Mike Pohlman
Christmas marks the "fullness of time" when God, in his sovereign freedom, "sent forth his Son." The One who dispenses times and seasons determined that it was time to send forth the Son who had existed with the Father from eternity.

One Man's Advent Reflection
In Holy Tradition, with many local variations, the celebration of the Christmas season lasts for 12 days, from the Feast of the Holy Nativity until the celebration of the visit of the Three Kings or Wise Men from the East and the celebration of Christ's baptism in the Jordon.

Where was Jesus Born?
Where was Jesus born? We all agree it was in Bethlehem. Where exactly was it? We believe it was in a cave.

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